
Are your TECHNICAL SKILLS out of date?



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Upcoming Events

Event Phone: 541-218-7601

  • Feb 11, 2025 Excel Essentials Level 1 1-4 pm
     February 11, 2025
     1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
  • May 13, 2025 Excel Essentials Level 1 9-noon
     May 13, 2025
     9:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • July 8, 2025 Excel Essentials Level 1 1-4pm
     July 8, 2025
     1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
  • Sept 9, 2025 Excel Essentials Level 1 9-noon
     September 9, 2025
     9:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • Dec 9, 2025 Excel Essentials Level 1 9-noon
     December 9, 2025
     9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Learn Microsoft Excel skills with our proven program designed to help busy professionals like YOU.  If you don’t know Excel this is the course for you. Level 1 covers: Terminology & Navigation The File Tab The QAT Right Click Formatting Entering & Editing Data Autofill Selecting Multiple Cells Core Keyboard Shortcuts Working with Rows and Read More

  • Success-Minded Leadership
     March 5, 2025
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
     Online Join us live on Zoom at Noon Pacific Time as we learn characteristics of a Success-Minded Leader. 

Join us live on Zoom at Noon Pacific Time as we learn characteristics of a Success-Minded Leader.  And more importantly, how to build those skills in yourself and your team. Read More

Event Phone: 541-218-7601

  • Excel Essentials Level 2 March 11, 2025 1-4 pm
     March 11, 2025
     1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
  • Excel Essentials Level 2 June 10, 2025 1-4 pm
     June 10, 2026
     1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
  • Excel Essential Level 2 Aug 12, 2025 9-Noon
     August 12, 2025
     9:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • Excel Essential Level 2 Nov 18, 2025 9-Noon
     November 18, 2025
     9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Learn Microsoft Excel skills with our proven program designed to help busy professionals like YOU. Level 2 covers: Charts & Graphs Conditional Formatting Custom Autofill Lists Formula Auditing Insert Function Printing Text Functions Paste Special Range Names Subtotals All Live Webinars are Pacific Time.Read More

  • Excel Essential Level 3 April 15, 2025 9am - noon
     April 15, 2025
     9:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • Excel Essential Level 3 Oct 7, 2025 9am - noon
     October 7, 2025
     9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Learn Microsoft Excel skills with our proven program designed to help busy professionals like YOU. Level 3 covers: Excel Options Worksheet Grouping Dates & Times Linking in Excel Linking to PowerPoint/ Word Data Validation Functions – IF and DATES Functions – IF, AND, Nesting Functions – VLOOKUP Protection & Security Pivot Tables – Introduction What-If Read More

  • Building Resilient Workplaces
     May 7, 2025
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
     Online Join us live on Zoom Pacific Time. Learn strategies to help you and those around you avoid burn out.  Panel of Experts. 

Join us live on Zoom Pacific Time. Learn strategies to help you and those around you avoid burn out.  Panel of Experts.Read More

  • Greater Results Thorough Effective Delegation
     July 2, 2025
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
     Online Join us live on Zoom. Learn how to delegate and give feedback they can actually hear.   

Join us live on Zoom. Learn how to delegate and give feedback they can actually hear.Read More

  • Personalities Under Stress
     August 6, 2025
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
     Online Join us Live on Zoom 

Join us live on Zoom. Learn to quickly identify stress in yourself and others before it becomes a major issue. And more importantly how to fix it!Read More

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The business world runs on Microsoft. Let our professional team of trainers help you dramatically increase your efficiency and effectiveness with these incredible programs.

Choose from our professionally recorded video series, a custom webinar or a seminar at your location.

Build Your Skills

Team Building and Communication


Walk away with hands-on tools you can use immediately to help you build team productivity and give your customers the best service possible.

We have series of programs to choose from, led by our experienced professional trainers. A customized program for every team and every budget.

Connect to Others

Leadership and Personal Development


What makes a good leader? How do you develop those skills?

Become the inspirational leader you know you can be. Choose from our proven 8-week Personal Transformation program, to ½ day group sessions, or retreats, our team will help you uncover and develop your leadership style. 

Connect to Yourself

Find Out How We Can Help You Today!

Schedule a Call

    Build Your Skills

    • Microsoft Excel I, II, III, and IV

      Learn the essentials of using this extremely powerful spreadsheet tool. You will be amazed to learn where Excel's gems and treasures are hidden.

    • Other Microsoft Skills

      Learn the basics of Microsoft Word, Outlook and PowerPoint to help you speed up your day and gain new skills with technology you already have.

    • Finance & Budgeting Series

      Using layman's terms and concepts you will learn the language, tools and statements and have you’ll walk away wondering what all the confusion and frustration was all about. Come with your calculators!

    Connect to Others

    • Colorful Connections

      Provides the foundational understanding of different personality types in a fun, interactive and informative format. Have better interactions with everyone you currently know, or will meet in the future.

    • Managing Stress and Mastering Change

      Do certain people PUSH YOUR BUTTONS? Do you find it difficult to DEAL WITH CHANGE? In this fun, interactive, life changing workshop you will learn the magic to making HOT BUTTONS DISAPPEAR. Work on REAL SITUATIONS to develop REAL SKILLS you need to manage stress and change. A great team building workshop to do BEFORE making changes in your organization.

    • Communication/Conflict

      Workshop attendees will learn how different personality types tend to manage conflict as well as how to communicate and adapt to each one.

    • Empowering Today’s Business Woman

      This fun, interactive workshop is proven to help you become a more effective communicator. Sharpen your time management skills for whole life balance. Learn to set and achieve meaningful goals.

    Connect to Yourself

    • What’s Your Mission? – What’s Your Vision?

      Learn how to identify and build upon your strengths, joys and passions to build a mission and vision statement and plan for YOUR LIFE!

    • Leadership Essentials

      What makes a good leader? How do you develop those skills? These questions and more will be explored an answered in this highly engaging session. Participants will start by learning Self Leadership, and will then expand to learn how to handle formal and informal leadership opportunities. Specific attributes will be defined and explored and tools will be identified to help attendees starting moving down the path of being a strong leader.

    • Personal Coaching

      Sometimes you need help getting started down your path. Soul Canyon Coaching focuses on identifying Core Values and Personal Mission, then on building SMART goals on that foundation.

    Custom Workshops

    With over 50 topics, we can create CUSTOMIZED programs to meet your training objectives. With your FREE consultation we can help you put together a PROACTIVE Personal, Team and Organizational Development Plan so you can make the most of your training investment.

    • Medford Water wishes to thank you for providing an outstanding Customer Service training class. We have had three groups of employees attend the training throughout several class dates. From our front office Customer Service and Billing staff to our Water Efficiency staff, and our Meter Reader staff.

      Each group, from office workers to field workers who interact with customers directly in their role, have given me fantastic reviews for this training class – Putting the X Factor in your Customer Service. Our employees have come back excited to take what they learned in class and apply it. We’ve even had some ask if there is a part II to this class, as they’d happily take it. One of our Customer Service staff said she felt this helped her be better prepared to handle customer issues when they arise while keeping a nice and professional tone, showing concern for the customer’s issue. She thanked Medford Water for allowing her to attend a class, as it helps to make her job better. And we thank you, Mary, for the training opportunity of this class. 

      Thank you,
      Tanya Haakinson
      Human Resources Manager

    • "We have worked with Rob and Mary to put on two wonderful training programs that were enthusiastically attended by our staff. The programs were highly engaging and fun and our staff came away with new sets of skills as well."
    • "I truly have a new outlook and a different way to deal with my clients with some great techniques!”

      -S. Taylor - Orland, CA

    • “Rob Hambleton’s presentation on ‘Centering for Your Job Search to Attract the Perfect Job’ convinced me that I could make a change. Not only could but should. Its been in my heart and that’s where the rubber meets the road.”

      -L. Ewing - Austin, TX

    • “I am not a big fan of personality tests and a lot of introspection. I just assume I am a well rounded, delightful person and what more do I need…… Needless to say, I entered Rob’s Insight Seminar with a few reservations. But, WOW, the seminar went by way too quickly. It was always enjoyable and I left with several useful tools to improve my sales. Rob is a superb trainer, he kept the topics pertinent and helpful to the group. I can’t wait to have him help our management team and independent contractors.” -B. Barney - Eugene, OR
    • “Something helpful came from your workshop I wanted to share with you. My boyfriend of 6 years and I are very different — not as much of a problem for him as is for me. In any case, there were characteristics that you identified that we are now aware of that gave us better understanding. I feel it was good for him to hear/understand this in a different context and for me I was later able to use as a tool to better explain my thoughts/feelings…to a BLUE 🙂 Regardless of outcome, communication, clarity, honesty and perception of self and others are the roads to best possible being. You guys are doing a good thing in opening ‘the doors of perception’.” -E. - Rogue River, OR
    • “I feel I owe you a huge thank you. Your guidance and beliefs have helped and continue to help me through once what was a dark path to a lighted one.” -D.M. - Santa Ana, CA
    • “I recently attended your “Managing Emotions Under Pressure” seminar in Chico, California. You presented a huge volume of material in a clear, entertaining way that made it palatable for us to absorb. Your crowning touch: Over… and over… and over again asking throughout the entire day – ‘How many days does it take to change a thought?’ [21 Days] ‘How many days does it take to change a behavior?’ [30 days] ‘And what’s needed?’ [Repetition and Intensity]. And you engaged the whole class to do this periodically throughout the day. Somehow your doing this sunk into my mind enough to make me decide that change is possible – even of long ingrained thought and behavior habits. And I have been using the material, or other related materials, almost every day since then. THANKS, ROB!” -K. Walker - Grass Valley, CA
    • “Your teambuilding was appreciated by us all. I see a distinct difference in bonding between the delegation you worked with and the other one – they are expecting a life-long friendship. Thank you for making it possible.” -R. Pepple - Grants Pass, OR
    • “Rob is the most charismatic, passionate and energetic person I have ever worked for in my 24 years with Kodak. He has an infectious enthusiasm that inspires everyone around him. He has an uncanny ability to bring out the very BEST in people, by recognizing their individual talents, being supportive and encouraging them to succeed. He always came up with creative ways to energize and engage our team, keeping us highly motivated throughout the project. He is a visionary, having the ability to see future possibilities others may not see. With Rob leading the way, you feel like NOTHING is impossible…” -L. Lopresti - Rochester, NY
    • "After participating in your demonstrations, I realized that I am where I should be and I need to “be still and listen” for direction. You answered so many questions, concerns and fears that I had been battling. I cannot thank you enough for the difference that you have made. Your illustrations on centering your life really made an impact on me. I felt as if you had prepared your entire presentation with me in mind. Thank you so much for sharing your gifts!” -S. Rolfson - Austin, TX