Can you believe it’s September already?

Small Presentations

Now that the kids are back in school and the lazy dog days of summer are over, is it time to focus on YOUR 2019 goals? Is training on your “To Do List”?

We only have six trainings left in 2019 in our BBSI local series, so now’s the time to get signed up to assure your seat.

Excel – Rob is teaching his final Excel Essential Level One on October 25th and Level 2 on November 18 and then his full attention will be on his new role as a Business Partner for BBSI. We have contracted an excellent Excel trainer who is available to do Onsite Excel Training for Soul Canyon. Want more information about how we can come to your organization, please give me a call or send me an email.

Communication and Leadership – Our next class is Providing Excellent Customer Service on September 27th – this is NOT your typical customer service class, it’s a Customer Loyalty class. Powerful Presentation Skills October 11th is designed for folks who are doing tradeshows, sales calls and training. Our most popular class and the building block to several follow-on classes, Colorful Connections is November 8th. Finally, we wrap the year up with Leadership Essential on December 9th.

Speaking of wrapping up, I am currently planning 2020, can you belive it’s almost 2020!

If you have any programs you would like to see, or times that work better for your staff, I would love to hear from you. This ½ Day Business Training Series was design with you, the small to medium size business in the Rogue Valley, in mind. We want to be your training partner. Our mission at Soul Canyon Training & Development is to help fill your training needs with training that really works at work with topics that are relevant to you and price to fit your growing business.

Here’s to a successful 4th quarter for all.  

See you in class,

Mary Hambleton