Father’s Day Reflections

2020 has been a year of 2020 hindsight for me. If you are anything like me; you have had more time alone than ever before. Time for reflection and contemplating.

This year as we celebrated Father’s Day, I spent quite a bit of time in reflection. Thinking about the men who have been influencers in my life. I’m a firm believer that we need yin and yang in our lives. Balance of male and female energies. Men bring a different energy to the lives of their children; I also believe not all men are Fathers.

I’m so grateful that both my Dad and Rob’s Dad are still with us. They are both “Thinkers”, or as we say in Colorful Connections “Detail Blue”. Rob’s Dad was a builder. My Dad is a civil engineer by trade. Both quiet men who made their decision with their heads. Both of our Dads are Fathers, men who were active in the lives of their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

My Dad gave me the ability to think things through. I can think on a physical level how to approach a problem because of my Dad’s influence in my cognitive thinking. My Dad also loves to fish. I grew up fishing and camping in the woods of Oregon. I thank him for my sense of direction and my love of the outdoors. My Dad was also the voice of reason in our house. With my Dad there were quite discussions around issues, based on logic and facts. My Dad is very different from my Mom, who is an artist and very opinionated about things and is more of a feeling energy. I’ve gotten gifts from both and liabilities from both.

My point is, there are many types of intelligence. We all have a mixture of those intelligences in us. There is a lot of debate and theories around intelligence. One of my favorite researchers, Daniel Goleman wrote a book, Emotional Intelligence in 1995. Goleman’s work is the bases of our workshop Building Your Emotional Intelligence. Next session is Monday, June 29th  sign up HERE if you are in the Rogue Valley.

In the book Emotional Intelligence 2.0 Bradberry & Greaves give us a succinctly explanation of how to deal with emotions. I love this book because it breaks down Goleman’s 4 key components of Emotional Intelligence and gives us ways to improve each of the 4 elements.

One of the gifts my Dad gave me is curiosity. I want to know who things work. I want to learn. I also want to share that learning and the experience with others which is why I attracted my perfect mate, Rob Hambleton.  If there was ever a person loves to share knowledge, it’s Rob.  One of our founding principles at Soul Canyon is Knowledge was meant to share.

Join us for a training soon. Here is the list of 2020 live trainings we are offering.

See you in class, Mary

Mary Hambleton

Soul Canyon Training & Development




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