Focused Action – One dime at a time!
“When you are clear, what you want will show up in your life – but only to the extent that you are clear.” – Janet & Chris Atwood – The Passion Test
Our friend Jill Hamm is a great example of taking inspired, focused action. What we call Baby Steps towards your goal; Jill says, “One Dime at a Time”.
Jill’s creative solution to ease the expense of medical bills after she was diagnosed with cancer, was to a fundraiser called “Jill’s Cans for Cancer Bills”, a program where she picks up recyclable cans and bottles from anyone willing to donate.
For every can or bottle turned in, she can redeem ten cents at the bottle drop, thus “One Dime at a Time”.
Jill was diagnosed with bladder cancer in Dec. of 2012. As part of her recovery, she’s had a surgery each year since the diagnosis. Even with insurance coverage, the cost for the surgeries and continuing treatment has racked up medical bills to the tune of $21,700.
“We need to collect 217,000 cans to pay off the majority of my medical bills. That’s a lot of cans, by the way!” said Hamm.
Throughout the Rogue Valley, the community has stepped up, and the cans are coming in. It’s really looking possible! If you have bottles and/or cans you would like to donate, call or text Jill Hamm at (541) 660-4435. Jill now has an account set up at the Bottle Drop so you can drop off the cans there and they amount will be deposited into her account.
Do you have a goal that seems out of reach? Do you what to write a New Ending for 2018?
Have you noticed that things are starting to get back to normal? The health clubs are precipitously losing their “resolution crew”. In fact, I would hazard a guess that about 99.6% of the resolutions have now been officially broken.
Kind of sad. Here’s your chance…
Your GOALS however, are a different story, right? Those of you that have been with me for the last few weeks have:
1) Bought a $.99 composition notebook and labeled it: “2018 Guidebook.”
2) Written down all of your 2017 accomplishments on page 1.
3) Listed your 2018 Accomplishments (aka Big Goals) on page 2.
4) Listed your highest priority 2018 goals, along with the first few baby steps of those key goals on page 3.
If you are joining in with us now, or missed any of the steps listed above, that’s what you need to do to catch up.
Now we need to focus.
There are thousands of systems out there to help you focus on what you need to get done – and I’ve tried most of them. I find that most of these systems take too much time, which ultimately discourages people from using them.
So, let’s keep it simple, shall we?
Leave 5 or 6 blank pages behind your Big 2018 Goals and Baby Steps – so that you can come back here and add new ones as you need to. You’ll now be about 10 pages or so into your book.
Get some type of tab page marker to mark this 10th page. If you don’t have anything, a bookmark or piece of tape that sticks out a little bit will do. On this page you will start devoting one page per day to your “To Do” list. Here are my to do list rules for you:
1) No more than incomplete items on the list at one time.
2) At least one of the items on your Daily To Do list has to be a baby step associated with your Big 2018 Goals.
3) Never do anything that is not on your “To Do” list. If something comes up that you have to handle that is not on your list and you conclude that it must be done – do it, then check it off your list.
“What gets scheduled gets done.”
Until next time,
Your friends at Soul Canyon Training & Development
For more information respond to this email or contact us by phone at (541) 218-7601