Rolling with the punches! And keep on swimming!

“You must take change by the hand or, rest assured, change will take you by the throat.” — Winston Churchill

FIRE — Focus, Intensity, Repetition and Enthusiasm. You have goals for 2017 and, if you plan to achieve them, you MUST have these four ingredients.
Right? Remember 15 minutes a day…

But things change. Conditions, priorities, resources — lots of stuff. Sometimes, as we get closer to our goals we realize we don’t really want them after all.

Or — are we just copping out because it’s difficult?

Does it feel like you are out in the ocean – – tossed by the waves? We get it!

Just keep swimming — baby step!

We have the pedal to the metal trying to finish up some of our 2017 goals. Do you need some help to achieve your goals? Here are some ideas that can help.

Do you have training dollars allocated for 2017 that haven’t been spent? The use it or loose it training budget can catch us off guard as the year comes to a close. Don’t let this happen to you.

You aren’t alone, many of our clients struggle at this time of the year because they still have funds in their training budget. If they don’t use them, they lose them – and then they have to justify why they need the same amount or more the next year.

Take full advantage of your remaining 2017 training budget. Book now and pay before the end of the year.  Now you have a plan for kicking off 2018 and haven’t spent a dime of 2018 training budget.

Did you know the first 30 minutes of coaching is FREE. If you need help deciding how to keep moving forward towards a difficult goal — to progress steadily through the jungle taking one step after another — or to redirect your efforts towards what you now see as a higher priority reach out with a phone call or an e-mail.

Personally, we are constantly reassessing our goals — not by looking at the difficulty of the individual steps — but by evaluating and re-evaluating how the end result fits into my plans. And our priorities are shifting constantly. You have to keep asking yourself — “Is this the best use of my time”?

One of our best tools to help focus us  daily, weekly, monthly & yearly is our journal. A written goal is a must. A written daily “To Do List” is another must.

Every year we review our journal and start a new one for the next year — join us for the January 2018 kick off to start your new year off the Soul Canyon way.

In the mean time — it’s still 2017! Don’t give up and wait for the New Year — get moving! Make that call. Hit that send button. Hit the gym! Do those baby steps every day with FIRE — Focus, Intensity, Repetition and Enthusiasm.

How about you? What tips, tricks and tools do you use to decide whether to keep progressing and pushing, or to redirect your efforts?

Until next time,

Your friends at Soul Canyon Training & Development

For more information or respond to this email or contact us by phone at (541) 218-7601